Edges in a graph join any two nodes, representing a relationship between them. Sometimes, this relationship can be bilateral (or symmetric), e.g., "Alice and Bob are friends of each other", while other times, the relationship can be unilateral (or asymmetric): "Alice follows Bob's blog (but not the other way around)".
- Directed graph
- A graph is directed when the edges represent an asymmetric
relationship. In this case, every edge is represented by an oredered pair
of nodes:
(u, v)
, with the first one sometimes being called the source and the second, the target. - Undirected graph
- A graph is undirected when the relationship between nodes is
symmetrical. In this case, every edge is written as an unordered pair of
{u, v}
When drawing an undirected graph, we draw the edges as lines or arcs, whereas, for directed graphs, we draw them with arrows stemming from source nodes into target nodes.
A graph with four nodes and five directed edges.
- Outdegree
- For a given node
, the number of outgoing edges fromu
is called outdegree ofu
. - Indegree
- The number of incoming edges to
is the indgree ofu
For this challenge, you need to read a file and output two integers: the node with the highest number of outgoing edges and the node with the highest number of incoming edges.
The input is a file in which the first line contains two integers, \(n\) and
\(m\), defining the number of nodes and edges, respectively. The next \(m\)
lines each contain two integers, u
and v
, representing two nodes that
are joined by a directed edge, (u, v)
with u
as the source and v
the target.
Output two integers, representing the nodes with the highest outdegree and highest indegree.
Sample Input
4 5
0 1
1 3
2 0
3 2
3 0
Sample Output
0 3
The solution to this challenge is hosted on Github.
Expansion Questions
For the following networks, decide if they are directed or undirected.
The social network of your immediate Facebook friends. In this graph, every node stands in for one of your friends, and there is an edge between two nodes if the corresponding persons are friends with each other.
The social network of your followers on Twitter. In this graph, every node stands for one user, and each edge between users A and B represents the relationship "A follows B".
The transportation network of roads between cities in a country. In this graph, every node represents a city and there is one edge between any two cities for each road connecting them.
The information network of devices connected to the internet (computers, routers, cell phones, etc), where every node represents a device and every edge represents physical or wireless connections to network devices.
The relationship "
is friends withy
" on Facebook is always symmetrical: it always implies that "y
is friends withx
" too. This is an undirected network. -
In contrast, "
" on Twitter doesn't imply that "y
" back. This relationship is asymmetrical, and the graph is directed. -
Most roads between cities can be traveled in both directions, so the relationship "there's a road that goes from
city tothat
city" will almost certainly be reciprocal. If at least one of the roads was one way only, the network would be directed instead. -
The question is vague on purpose, as the answer depends on the exact definition of the relationship. If the relationship is "device
connects to the Internet through devicey
", then it won't be reciprocal (as my cell phone connects to the Internet through my router but not the other way around). If the relationship is "devicesx
share online data" then it must be reciprocal and the graph undirected.