In the previous problems, we read a graph from a file which listed each
edge in one line. Now, we are going to represent a graph in a different,
more succint way. For every node u
, we want to create a list defining the
nodes adjacent to u
- Adjacency List
- Given a node
, the adjacency list ofu
is a list of all nodes thatu
is connected to. If the graph is directed, the list contains either all the nodes connecting tou
, or all the nodes receiving edges fromu
, but not both.
Consider a graph with \(n\) nodes and \(m\) edges. In our previous representation, the file contained one line to define the number of nodes and edges, \(n\) and \(m\), and one line for each edge, \(m + 1\) lines in total. In the new representation, our file will still need one line for \(m\) and \(n\), but only \(n\) lines will follow, one for each node's adjacencies.
As we saw before, an undirected graph can hold up to \(n(n+1)/2\) edges in total. This means that, if the graph is moderately dense, we will have \(n < m \approx n(n+1)/2\), and therefore, our new graph representation will in general have fewer lines than the previous one.
For this challenge, you need to read a file representing a graph in the previous, long, format, and output it in the new, shorter one.
The input is a file where the first line contains two integers, \(n\) and \(m\), defining the number of nodes and edges, respectively. The next \(m\) lines each contain two integers, representing two nodes that are joined by an edge. Assume undirected edges.
Write \(n\) lines, where each line holds a list of space-separated integers,
representing the adjacencies of every node. As before, assume that nodes
are labeled from 0
to n-1
. Write the lines in ascending order of node
label, e.g., the first line of the output should contain the adjacencies of
node 0
, the second line should contain the adjacencies of node 1
etc. Print each adjacency list in ascending order.
Sample Input
4 4
0 1
0 2
1 3
3 0
Sample Output
1 2 3
0 3
0 1
The solution to this challenge is hosted on Github.